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Chat Box Rules



-Do not cuss
-Do not share someone else's private info (address, phone number, etc.)
-Do not share your private info (address, phone number, etc.)
-Do not ask for someone else to get banned
-Do not curse
-If you're a non member don't do any member things.
-If you're a non member DO NOT USE SMILYS!

Can Do's

-Can avdvertise your site (ONLY IF UR A MEMBER!!!)
-Can share where famous penguins are
-Can host parties
-Can share any kind of codes
-Can share passwords
-Can tell your continent, country, and/or state. (nothing more personal then state)
-Can ask to be a mod (ONLY IF UR A MEMBER!!!)
-Can ask for more rules to be added (ONLY IF UR A MEMBER!!!)
-Can talk in caps (ONLY IF UR A MEMBER!!!)

How To...on this Chat Box

HOW TO BECOME  A MEMBER To become a member  just ask me when I am online and send me a private message with any Club Penguin coin code series. If it is used, I will kick you out as a warning. When I get ONE unsued code I will make you a member. WARNING. THIS WILL NOT LAST FOREVER! EACH TOY CODE WILL LET YOU BE A MEMBER FOR 3 MONTHS! WHEN EXPIRES, YOU WILL BECOME A GUEST AGAIN. YOU CAN RENEW IT WITH ANOTHER TOY CODE!
HOW  TO BECOME A MOD To be a mod, you need 4 qualities. First, you need to have been a member. Then your member tree picture needs to be the 2nd tree pic. The third one is you could have no more then 2 kick-outs. 4th quality you need another cp toy code.

Privilages of Being a Member

1. When you are a member, you will be invited to special parties on CP.
2. You will be aloud to use any smilys and as many as you want.
3. You can advertise your site.
4. You can suggest rules.
5. You can talk in caps.

Privilages of Being a Mod

1. You are a member and can do all member things.
2. You can kick or ban people. (If caught kicking or banning for no reason, you will either get kicked or banned from another mod or me!!!)
(If ur membership expires, you will no longer become a mod until you renew that membership and you will automatically become a mod again! You do NOT have to give me 2 coin codes to be a mod again! But you can if you want to :D)